This message is going to both the FML and the Kodo list.  I have mentioned
my thoughts before, but I want everyone to hear my exact plan and let me
know if this is a go-ahead or if someone else will do it.
I hereby offer my services to maintain an up to date list of all states
positions about quarantine/kill and test and other related legal information
on my web site.  I strongly feel that just one site should maintain all of
this information so that everyone knows exactly where to turn to get this
info.  My thoughts on how to organize it is as follows: A list by state
alphabetically, with anchors that take you down to the state you need info
for.  In each state's section will be DOCUMENTED information about whether
ferrets are legal in that state, need permits, whether they are classified
as domestic, exotic, or wild, how bite cases are handled (quarantine or kill
and test), and any pending legal action that is being taken in that state to
change anything regarding ferrets, plus the ONE person that should be
contacted with information about that state (i.e. the person that is in
charge of gathering information about that state--I'm only offering to list
this stuff on my site, I can't possibly do the research for all states).
If everyone wants me to go ahead with this page, let me know. Please post
something on your site directing people to me with their information --THEY
NEED TO OFFER THE SOURCE OF THEIR INFO, not just "I heard from a friend
If everyone feels that this is a go-ahead, I'll start right away with the
new page on my site.  E-mail to me about this issue should go to
<[log in to unmask]> preferably with the subject RABIES PAGE as I have
an average of 75 e-mails a day to wade through.  The address of my site if
you'd like to check it out is at the bottom of this message.
IMPORTANT: I NEED PEOPLE from every state that are interested in being in
charge of reporting information from their state.  It's not a small job, but
it won't just take one phone call, either.  THIS DOES NOT MEAN that you'd be
responsible for legal fees if action is taken, it just means you will be the
one person to contact me with this information, with your sources and all
pertinent information.  Feel free to get one, ten, a hundred others to help
you out, but I need ONE person per state that will be in charge.  I will
list your name on my web site as the person to contact with
information/questions (solely by e-mail if you don't want your phone ringing
off the hook).  **** Mary McCarty: Are you the Pennsylvania person?????? ****
We've got Ferret Central, I guess we could call this page Rabies Central...
(that's dumb, but you get my point). It will be the one place to turn where
all of this information is available. Also, if it turns out to be too much
to list on just one page of my shelter's site, I'll get a new web site just
for this information.
Everyone, please e-mail me with your opinions about this, your offers for
help, etc.  Again, please e-mail to <[log in to unmask]> with the
subject header RABIES PAGE so it can be a priority.
Kymberlie Becker
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 1969]