Don't get sad - Get mad
We need to contact our state and local agencies and find out their
policies/laws/regulations on ferrets and the basis for them, document the
responses and send them to CDC.  You don't have to tell your agencies that
you have ferrets - you can use Kodo's (God rest his loving joyful soul) case
as the basis for your inquiries.
In 1980 CDC released a statement on ferrets that was viewed by the
scientific/medical community as pro-ferret.  CDC took a lot of flack for
that statement which may be why they have never released another.  What we
need to do is SHOW them the misinformation that is being disseminated by
state agencies.
Document everything.  If you call and your phone or answering machine has
the capability of recording your conversation - record it so you will have
exact wording.  Have your questions written down in advance and write down
what their response is.  CDC should be inundated with letters from us.
Maybe, just maybe then they'll get off their seats and do something.  It's
worth a try at the very least.
Concentrate on local and state agencies.  Many states allow the individual
county health depts to make the decision on whether an animal is a rabies
suspect or not.  Find out what your state laws are regarding ferrets (if
any), your county ordinances, your city ordinances, your health dept
policies, and your animal control policies.  If any of these agencies are
disseminating incorrect information you will want to contact higher agencies
and your legislators.
In all your correspondence PLEASE be polite.  Keep the lines open so you
will be able to make a difference.  Once we find out why each agency
regulates ferrets the way they do we can counter with the hard scientific
facts.  If during your conversation you are told something so maddening that
you want to reach out and touch the person - don't.  BE POLITE.  POLITELY
explain their misconception but don't argue with them.  You will need to
follow up all telephone correspondence with letters THANKING them for their
time and recalling the major points of your conversation.  In this letter
you can include documentation to correct their misconceptions (i.e. ferrets
are wild, vicious, rabid, etc.) and be sure to include references.  Keep
copies of all your letters and those you receive.
If you need the documentation to counter the misconceptions please let us
know.  Many of us work behind the scenes.  Search the FML's for info on
domestication, rabies, etc.  Dick and I have packets and booklets that are
available for the cost of duplicating and mailing.
And please, if you haven't done so already, get the number of ferrets killed
and tested in your state for the last 10-15 years and the results and send
then to me.  We need to do this to show how many ferrets are being
unwarrantedly killed and tested.  CDC does not get the numbers that are
tested, many states only report the number positive.  If you can get the
circumstances of the bite or scratch that would be wonderful and very
helpful to show that ferrets are being killed for acting normally (for a
Name of Agency
Address of Agency
Phone Number
Name and title of person you are speaking with
Questions you asked
CDC Address:
Dr. Charles Rupprecht
Chief, Rabies Section
Center for Disease Control
1600 Clifford Road
Atlanta GA 30333
O.k. everybody - let's get working!  Hugs. tle
[Posted in FML issue 1969]