I have been bombed!  Not really, but it seems so by the number of e-mails I
have recieved in the last two days regarding the formation of a national
ferret association.  About half the e-mails are from the east coast, three
from other countries, and the remaining 50 or so from various other
locations in the USA.  One post disliked the idea, and one post is not
counted because it was a discussion, and not actually a letter of support or
non-support.  Some comments.
First, I am not a giant.  I am 5'6" which does not qualify.  I am cute, but
only a few observers believe it.  My long and wavy hair is beginning to
gray, and I have a slightly high forehead.  These attributes disqualify me
from office, especially those of a presidency.  However, I am quite
qualified as a firebrand and malcontent.  I could do well as a public
education person, but ranters never make good presidents.
Second, there is a great deal of work to be done if such an undertaking is
made.  One person alone cannot do this, even if they are hip and cool.
There is a humongous difference between organizing and doing, and if such an
attempt is ever made, we must do it, not organize it.  To do it, a group of
dedicated and discontented people will have to form a committee, placate
wounded prides; facilitate cooperation, and generally become pests of the
highest order.  In addition, they should be people who have a neutral or
unbiased appearance towards the existing ferret politics
Third, the FML is a great vehicle for communication, but there are a lot
more ferret owners than the thousands on this list, and they also need to be
made part of the picture.  If not, then we are just another factional voice,
and will never be truely national, so why do it?  There is no reason to do
this if the new organization is no better than the status quo.  To be better
than the status quo, we must learn from their mistakes, and take steps to to
repeat them.  That takes study time, and people willing to do the study.
Any volunteers?
Fourth, unless some of the big names come forward and support this idea, it
will die on the vine.  This is not a Bob Church fan club (although a Bob
Church Hate Club might work).  As already demonstrated by many "national"
clubs, organizations that are an extension of a few people's personality are
limited in scope and appeal.  A national club reflects the needs and
personalities of the members.  Before ANYTHING can be done, we need a wide
scope of committed people (committed to mental institutions would be nice
and then they prozak our detractors).
Fifth, we can learn from the Japanese and look at the long term picture
rather than the short term one. In other words, we have to decide what
people want, then give it to them at low cost and high benefit. We need to
do our homework.
Sixth, you need to continue to voice your support for this idea, with
letters to the FML and various big-name ferret people.  More importantly,
take the idea to your local shelter or club, and garner their support.
Remember, there is no reason why this club has to take away from any other
existing organization; personally, I'm for concurrent memberships.  (In
other words, joining STAR, LIFE.  FURO, AFA, etc., automatically gives
membership in the new organization.)
Last (for now), expect distrust and dislike of the idea from the existing
organizations, many of which are one-person ego shows.  It is likely rumors
and lists of reasons will come out for this project to fail (I have already
been forwarded a letter urging people not to support the idea).  It is also
likely some will see this as an "Us or Them" situation.  It is important to
understand this idea is a clean slate, a method to get past the existing
bull and politics in order to form an organization for ferrets.  That is not
to say many of the existing organizations don't work for ferrets, but
because of politics or ill-will, they have been crippled in their efforts.
A new organization--a new slate--allows political enemies to work together
for a single good without any one side thinking they've lost.  Nobody loses,
we all win.  No one needs to be hurt if we all work together for ferrets.
Before anything can be done, we need support for the idea from all of you,
shelters, clubs, vets, breeders, etc.  We need pledges of monetary
donations.  We need people willing to put in time to type, contact local
clubs and breeders, design cool logos, etc.  We can do this in a very short
time if we work hard; certainly by the 10th Anniversary.
So what should we call this thing?  I've come up with "Death to the
Anti-Ferret Gestapo" but others might find it appealing to the wrong crowd.
Actually, here's my idea.
National/International Ferret Association/Club/Union
Hey, I'm a single guy, so feel free to critize and editorialize if you
have better ideas for the name. (I orginially thought the "Business of
International Ferrets" was cool, but the idea of belonging to a "BIF" left
me queasy.)
I guess nominations for the organizing committee are open.
Bob C and 17 MO Mad As Hell Ferreteers
[Posted in FML issue 1969]