Who was it who said, "We shall all hang together, or we shall all hang
separately."?  I think it was Benjamin Franklin--a very wise man.
I have worked very hard on the Kodo issue because he is my ferret--or he
could be.  Remember that in World War II, the Nazis came for each group
separately.  First the Jews, then each group in succession.  I've heard the
statement, "When they came for the Jews, I didn't speak out....finally, when
they came for me, there was no one left to speak out."
When one of our fur babies is threatened, they are all threatened.  We must
work together.  Even if we combine our strength, we are still David to the
government's Goliath.
Kodo--May God surround you with His protective angels, and comfort you in
your captivity.  You are not alone.
Chris Heath
[Posted in FML issue 1968]