>That's it in a nutshell folks, there is no justice in Michigan and Kodo is
>a dead ferret because our legal system SUCKS!!!
Kodo is dead because the laws on Perjury are not being enforced and gov't
officials have no restriction on lying as public policy or in court.  From
John Laws of Portland, to Michigan, to Dick the "KILL ALL FERRETS" liar in
the CA Assembly who made up head injury stats off the top of his head to put
his helmet law in place to BATF chopping the ends off of confiscated
shotguns and getting caught at it and going unpunished to DFG claiming feral
colonies all over the damn place.
It's all the SAME GODDAMN PROBLEM, ain't it?
This is how we, the various oppressed minority interests can work together -
push for serious mandatory criminal penalties for lies told to influence
public policy or told in court plus automatic DESTRUCTION of any law whose
supporters lied to put it in place or which contains lies, including
RETROACTIVE destruction of such laws.  Set it up so anybody can file suit
over such bullshit and get cash rewards for catching out the lies.
This would have saved Kodo, it would have killed the CA helmet law, it would
kill the "junk gun" bans being proposed out here.
For a wild true story of crooked cops, stolen guns, perjury, fraud
and false criminal charges, see http://www.infinex.com/~jmarch
[Posted in FML issue 1967]