Hi Steve;
The dry foot pads I'm not sure, but Jergens vit. E lotion helped me recover
from 2nd degree sunburn & sun poisioning without any pealing... As far as
traveling, I've found they travel great, they scratch for a couple of
minutes on the carrier, then fall asleep.  Once they understand the drill,
moving they sleep, let them out they play..  I personally would NOT use any
sedative since when they do sleep it can be very deep without drugs.  Seek
the advise of a very ferret experienced vet.
Have fun,
                 Gary & the gang of fur ->
        Thru joining, their grief has been transmuted to joy,
        loneliness to celebration...
        ..Data, in "The Tin Man" episode, STNG.
  Info on Timmy's healing & holistic healing
[Posted in FML issue 1965]