This is my first time writing to the ferret mailing list.  I just wanted to
tell all of you that this is a great group of ferret loving people.
I only have 2 ferrets but I would like to adopt a couple more.  I answered a
post from Tony last week because he needed a home for his two babies and he
was willing to drive them here.  But he had already found homes for them.
So if there is anyone out there who needs a home for their fuzzy babies
(healthy please)  please e-mail me.
rudy and the furballs and fuzzbutts
binky-  mammoy when are you going to get me somebody to play with?
oscar- hey ma- do somethin with the kid she's bothering me !
me- I'm working on it- I'm working on it!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1964]