>From:    Matt Colmer <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret treat reply -- Ann Philips
>But seriously there are bite size ferret treats made by the same company
>that makes Ferretone.  I think they are called FerretBites and come in at
>least chicken flavor.
Just a comment - we tried these and found that the ferrets did indeed like
them.  However, we also found they dried out rather rapidly once opened and
we had a couple of strange loose stools after they had eaten them.  Nothing
to the degree that I would say they are not a good treat but enough to
suggest that you should keep an eye on the after effects, particularly if
you use them often or don't keep them sealed/refrigerated.  (We kept them
sealed in ziplock bag but didn't refrigerate - that may have been our
[Posted in FML issue 1962]