>From:    Matt Colmer <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret treat reply -- Ann Philips
>Other treats are fresh fruits like banana but don't give them too much at
>once because it may mess with their intestinal system.  A couple or three
>bit size pieces every few days such be enough.  Of course, there is always
>the traditional raisin which my ferrets have never seem to care for.  But
>like bananas, limit there intake.
Noooooo kidding.  Xena, my little warrior weasel, pulled a fast one the
other evening, but boy did she pay for it!  I'd just put them to "bed" in
their cage for the night (they're caged when we're sleeping), when I heard
someone throwing up.  Instantly, I went into panicked mommy mode -- the only
other time we've had anyone throwing up, there was intenstinal blockage
involved!  I zoomed over to the cage just in time to see that it was Xena
who was getting sick.  I was about to lose it when I noticed that it was
unusually solid for vomit... then I realized that was because it was ALL
RAISINS!!  They'd hardly even been *chewed*, must less digested.
That was when I realized that the raisin can was missing... it was found
about 5 minutes later, top pulled off, in Xena's favorite hidey-space in the
corner behind their cage.  Just like a little kid, she'd somehow figured out
to get the raisin can down from a table I didn't think they could even get
to, drag it to her hidey-hole, get the top off, and gorge herself.  A just
like a little kid, she'd gotten a terrible tummy-ache.  It was actually
kinda funny after the fact.
Xena of course was fine, and the raisin can is now much more closely
guarded. :)
-Tasha, Xena weasel princess, her faithful sidekick Gabrielle, and Bear the
"It has been said that man is a rational animal.  All my life I have been
searching for evidence which could support this."
                                        -- Bertrand Russell
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[Posted in FML issue 1960]