I spoke to a lady at the Bay City Times yesterday--after I tried to fax to
their voice line.  They are still covering the Kodo story with vigor.  I
gave her a lot of information.  She indicated that she knew Karen Burns (the
Animal Control officer), and that Burns had worked for the HSUS before she
took the job she has now.
I used that as an opportunity to explain that HSUS used to recommend kill
and test for ferrets, but that since an approved rabies vaccine had
surfaced, they had reversed themselves and now recommend a quarantine for
ferrets just as they do for dogs and cats.  Please don't try to use the
numbers on the list from yesterday to fax Bay City Times.  They are all
voice numbers.  Also, if you want to send them a letter by email, please
send it to [log in to unmask]  They prefer to keep their letters to the
editor separate from other correspondence.
Time is running out for Kodo.  I can't sleep for worrying about this fuzzy.
I've contacted everyone I can think of, including my own governor, who will
be getting another call from me today.  I just know that if I don't do
anything and Kodo loses, my fuzzies may be the next Kodos.
Can't even conceive of that.
Chris Heath, San Antonio
[Posted in FML issue 1959]