Hello friends,
Well, just the other day Lisa caught Cleo and Tony in the act of posting to
the FML!!!  Seriously, they were both up on the keyboard, and the message
was cued up to the FML, with the subject as "QQQQQ"...
This probably happened because they hit the first person in the address book
(FML) with the mouse and proceeded to type the rest... now WHO SAID that
ferrets weren't smart?  As further evidence of the active cognition of
fuzzies, the other day, Tony closed the glass door to the TV stand with his
big paw for me... how did he know that I wanted it closed?
Anyway, this weekend, our ferts are going to visit their Auntie Sharon...
she is the one who found our Tony Macaroni for us a few months ago and
returned him safely to us!  She has a really neat setup for fuzzies at her
house because her backyard is "Ferret-proofed," with fences around the
perimeter that go deep into the ground, and lots of tunnels, toys, and a
ferret-door that they can push opened and closed with their noses to get in
and out of the house... Tony is anxious to show our ferts how to do this
since he learned this new trick when he was there for 2 days!  Shiva is very
excited to get to go somewhere because she has been depressed and has "cabin
fever" because the sun is shining every day now and she wants to get out and
bask in it!
BTW, what do you get when you put Tony on a plate of lettuce?  Answer at
Well, we are still asking for ideas for the new video!  Along with how to
bathe your ferrets, clean their ears, and clip their toenails, have we
forgotten anything for new as well as current ferret-owners?  Just let us
Now that we are getting ultra-political on the FML, with letters to the
Sierra Club, etc, I would like some evidence of wild-populations of
ferrets... since it interests me to no end, and I refuse to believe that
they could persist very long to begin with outdoors!  Yes, feral cats do a
heck of a lot of damage to bird populations!  Also, dogs interbreed with
coyotes and wolves and can mess up their genepools!
Answer to million-raisin-question:  Macaroni Salad, of course!
Special loves and dooks to all!
Ferret Six-Pack: Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Shiva, Anthony, & Cleopatra
The Dwarf Hamsters: Romeo & Juliet & Cute, Wittle Babies
The Dalmation Bunnies: Roger & Jack
The Rest of the Zoo:  Solo & Sally Mander (tiger salamanders), 2
Leopard Frogs, 1 River Frog, 1 Butterfly Koy, and a mess o' fishes.
P.S. Please visit our webpage at:
for more info. about our ferret books & video!
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[Posted in FML issue 1959]