Like all of you, I'm outraged and baffled by the ignorance and stupidity
involved in this whole Kodo fiasco.  Based on what I know and have read,
I've done my own risk assessement for Kodo.  I've determined that the
chances of Kodo having rabies is roughly equivalent to the chances of a
toilet falling out of a Boeing 747 during flight and hitting you on the head
(trust me, I work there).  There is also the same chance of that lime jello
you made last night jumping up an doing the Macarena the next time you open
the fridge (the week-old casserole may be, but not the lime jello).
Congress will vote themselves a pay *decrease* be fore Kodo develops rabies.
Windows 95 will work as good as the demo.  Cats will give birth to snakes.
The seas will boil.  The sun will turn red.  ...Whoa, i got a little carried
away.  Anyway, to sum my risk assessment, Kodo has the proverbial snowball's
chance in heck of having rabies.
One quick question: Dogs are canines, cats are felines, cows are bovine,
wolves are lupine, horses are equine.  What are ferrets?
May the forces of evil become
      confused on their to your house.
           Mike Bostrom
             U-5147   7-3011      08-29
[Posted in FML issue 1958]