Yesterday I went straight from work to a local park for the annual BOCES
picnic for my sons school.  After chasing my 8 year old son and his friend
around the playground, I wandered around, talking to his teacher, looking at
the 200+ people, half a dozen or so dogs, and I'm wondering, 'Gee, I wonder
if anyone brought a ferret??'
There - by the hot dogs!  A small ferret cuddled in the arms of a teenage
student!  I made a beeline for the site, and introduced myself.  (I don't
know what made it more fun- meeting another ferret owner or having the kid
next to us ask me what grade I was in- I'm 32!) It turned out that John (the
owner) had just gotten his little 7 week old sprite the evening before, so
he had a few questions.  I talked with him awhile.  He didn't know what
scruffing a ferret was, so I showed him.
Me: 'Just take ahold of the skin back here like this...' (lifting the
John: (horrified, wincing) 'Oh, I can't do that!!  I'm afraid I'll hurt
Ferret: * yawn *
Me: 'Oh, why don't I hold her, it'll make it easier for you to eat.'  :->
His little one was sleepy and folded neatly in the palm of my hand for
admiration and petting.  Later, I threatened not give her back!  (Just
kidding of course...but tempting...) I gave him my card and told him to call
if he had any questions.  It's been quite awhile since I've seen any other
folks with ferrets in the area, although I know there are quite a few.
Maybe now that it's warmer I'll start keeping an eye out...
[Posted in FML issue 1958]