Hi Everybody,
Need a little help here, my oldest ferret is experiencing hair (fur) loss, I
did go over the Ferret FAQ, and the description that fit the best was
section 9.3, the Orange- speckled crusty patchers, plus the small black
heads.  His fur is completely gone all over his back, up to the top of his
head, but not his tail ( thinned out a bit, but still their ).  What I would
like to do is try the gentle bactericidal shampoo, the only problem is where
do you get shampoo like this, without going to a vet ?  The reason I would
like to try the shampoo first is because a vet wants to charge 30 bucks just
to look at him, then give me the shampoo, if the shampoo doesn't work, then
I would take him to the vet for tests etc.  But I have looked at alot of
different pet stores and can't seem to find any bactericidal shampoo.  Any
ideas please ?
Best Regards,
Carl Baewer ( [log in to unmask] ) New London, Wisconsin
[Posted in FML issue 1958]