Hey, there's actually been some reasonable dialog this time around the MF
debate, and I think you all might be onto something.  I suggest we take
Max's toe tattoo code and simplify it, making it a binary encoding 20 digits
long.  That provides over a million different numbers, which would identify
10 years' worth of output from MF.  The database, as Max noted, would be on
the computer, and the simpler the tattooer's job the better.  A monitor or
chart that displayed the toes to be marked would be easy enough.  Any of you
software guys know how to write a graphics program that would show a supine
ferret with its feet sticking up in the air?  You could highlight the toes
to be tattoed, maybe even make them wiggle.  Eh, might be too silly...
scratch that last part.
The hard part will be selling MF on whatever is decided, because it will
involve additional costs to them, and they have little reason to change.
Their attitude will be "if it works, don't fix it."
Still, this latest round of ideas is far more promising than the last 2 1/2
years of FML suggestions of threats, boycotts, and castle-storming. I don't
see any way of intimidating MF, but if they're presented with a workable
system of tracking ferrets they just might listen.
There's been a lot of talk lately about potential cooperation among the
various ferret groups. Well, here's another opportunity to show it can
happen. I don't think it will, but wouldn't mind being proven wrong.
"Who, me officer? What's a ferut? These guys?? No, they're Polish cats."
[Posted in FML issue 1988]