Hello Everyone!
Well, as we all know, when you walk into a pet store, you never come out
with what you came in for (the ferreters motto) Well, I didn't walk out with
a baby ferret, as I'm sure some of you are thinking...all tho I wish I
did.... ;) Anyways, the pet store that I usually go to (PetsMart) to get
ferret food, is really far away, so I called my local pet store to see if
they carried the food that I wanted, and they did!  So, my mom took me over,
and as I am walking to the ferret section, what do I see?  The white and
puple/blue bag of...Totally Ferret!  I have wanted to get this for the
"girls" for a long time, but I could never find it here in Rhode Island!
So, I...well...my mom got it for me, along with a small bag of their normal
food (8-1 Ultra Blend) so the ferrets wouldn't have "upset tummies" and I
hope to eventually switch them over completely to totally ferret, they seem
to really like the stuff!  We also got them a new corner litter box, 'cause
they seem not to be using their other one as much, and I think that they
couldn't get into it !  So, this new one is huge, it takes up about 1/3 of
their "litter level" of their cage, while the other one only took up about
1/5 or so.  It also has this neat little opening that is perfect ferret
size!  Also, we got some deoderizing spray, because they get a little bit
stinky in the summer, even with the a/c on, and they aren't that fond of
baths, so I thought that would be the "safest" way to go!  Oh, I love ferret
Anyways- I think I told you guys about my ferret web page at-
Well, I am working on a links page right now, and I am looking for as many
ferret links as I can get!  Please check out my links page at-
(make sure you get that last "ml" in there!)
It's not connected to my main page yet, 'cause it's still in the proccess.
But, if you know of any other ferret links that aren't there, or if you have
a ferret page that's not listed, please send me an e-mail-
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Well, That's All Folks!
And the 2 Totally Ferret Addicts-Chelsea+Kelsey
[Posted in FML issue 1987]