Jim March here...progress is decent, looks like we'll pack up and hit the
road by Monday eve at the latest.  We're considering the Northern route to
cut down on the temperatures, since that 15foot Ryder's AC may not be
adequate to cool the cargo bay and we could lose critters PLUS I've got some
final biz back home in San Leandro.  Her Jeep is being couriered east
seperately to give us a generally smoother trip.
Her health is poor and slowly fading.  More than a bit of a cough still, and
some spreading pain in the left lung diagnosed as Bronchitis.  That's the
biggest worry, beyond the asthsma, hands/joints arthritis and allergic
reaction swelling from the toxins in this dump.  She's got another Doc
appointment Monday just before we leave so we'll get a "final clearance" on
any possible pneumonia which as of last check is NOT present.
Despite all THAT, I can barely keep up wth her!  I'm doing the heavy lifting
and we've got all of the medical/critter care goods cleaned, organized and
packed.  Now it's a race to get everything else sorted out, and we're in
decent shape there.  Help!  She's nearly a drill Sgt.  where it comes to
critter care stuff in any way shape or form...I'VE BEEN DRAFTED!  Oh well,
I'm stuck in a dump with half the roof collapsed (whole back patio roof
caved in on HER goods, a true mess) with this nutso who is near death and
WON'T SLOW DOWN, now I know how she's cared for up to 175 medical case
ferrets at a time she just plain WON'T STOP.  Send help!  Please!
Arg...packers, we need the WHOLE DANG GREEN BAY PACKERS dear god I'm losing
it.  Is workaholic communicable?  She even rescues CARNIVOROUS PLANTS yikes.
Oh well...it's for a good cause.  Besides helping Dayna, see, there's more
to it.  Remember how 7 months ago I wrote about my last visit, how she took
in two adrenal rescue ferret MF sisters at once, one 95% bald the other
closing on 50%?  And how they were poorly kept, and how this was strong
evidence for Bob Church's "environmental causes" theory of adrenal cancer
versus the "Marshall Genetics Are Screwed" camp?  Those two are still
here...the one that was 95% now has a small amount of fur missing at the tip
of the tail, the other one is completely normal.  Changes include her
special Woozle Goo type power-food recipe, lots of play, lots of either real
sun or plant grow lights providing a natural level of UV and other
stuff...whatever she's doing, it's reversing adrenal WITHOUT SURGERY and
without heavy meds like pred, etc.  Initial panels showed heavy, advanced
adrenal, recent bloodwork is CLEAR.  Not bad for an old "hippie chick" and
two old over-4 fuzzies...we have GOT to find out just what the hell she's
doing and that means a bigger, open operation that's NOT in hiding.  (This
has been replicated 5 additional times so far!)
Plus she has to be alive and have a home...she stays in CA any longer, both
those are in question.
We've also gotten offers of help (greatly appreciated) from Margie & Her
Fuzzies <[log in to unmask]>, Gary Holowicki <[log in to unmask]>,
Stephanie Ann Maehr <[log in to unmask]>, Georgia Wood <[log in to unmask]>, Bill
Killian and others.  We've also recieved kind thoughts and Emails from all
over, too many to list but we're trying to aknowledge them all; if we've
missed anyone, my apologies and thanx at the same time.  dayna
frazier/archivist-historian for Ferrets Anonymous... Section Leader/Small
Mammals Section in the KIDSPETS FORUM and Co-Section Leader/Ferrets in the
ANIMALS FORUM on Compuserve Information Service...
resident of...the Marvellous Menagerie Of Mirthful Mayhem   "MMOMM"
Want to see some of my fur family??  visit my home page at...
[Posted in FML issue 1987]