>From:    alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Putting the fake MF ferret issue where it belongs....In the lap of
>This is the ID MF chose, it is THEIR responsibility to insure consumers by
>responsibly policing the market.
You can NOT blame a company for those that counterfeit.  Thats absurd.
Companies can not afford to spend all of their time fighting crooks.
>If MF believes that unfair, let MF BEGIN to make an effort to correct it.
You really should research before spouting off.  How do yo feel about the
added dot on the toes started in 1995 - check the Ferret Digest issues I
mentioned where Pam Grant (no great fan of mine or Marshall Farms discusses
Also the two dot tattoos were never intended as an ID.  It merely told folks
within Marshall farms whether a kit was altered, altered and descented or
whole.  It is like SKU number for a retail outlet.  Just a way to
distinguish one product from another internally.
For your edification one of the indentified source of non-Marshall ferrets
with two dot tattoos was in or near Florida.  The one with a funny head I
saw came from Florida.  I don't have more information about that ranch handy
unfortunately.  We'll try to dig it up for you.
Your arguments get odder and odder.
It is highly offensive that you put ferrets in the category of cigarettes.
There is NOT a huge body of evidence in this issue.  We have seen NONE.
Absolutely flat zero - none.  As we've said before - do a study.  Not a
survey but a genuine study.  Then you can start demanding.
Your own numbers shown that you have nothing.  Of a very small sample set
(150?  - we've had more ferrets than that pass through our house) you said
most were two dot tattooed.  Well it stands to reason that most of the sick
ones would be two dot tattooed.  Most could be up to about 148 since we know
the shelter you are talking about and the Europeans that came in.
How about our statistics.  Equally non-scientific.  Of the about two hundred
that have passed through there were 4 adrenal cases.  Three were apparent
Marshall ferrets and one was not.  None of our breeders have had adrenals,
the four cases with adrenals ranged in ages from 4 up to 7.  The
non-Marshall case was a late alter.
Equally meaningless and rather contradictory to yours.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1986]