I've got trouble with my little fuzzbutts.
A week or so ago, I noticed they were playing a bit harder then usual, but
I've always heard to leave them alone as long as there is no blood.  Well,
yesterday morning I was cuddling my Toggles, and there were scabs on his
neck, suspiciously looking like a ferret had bit him.  I thought maybe it
had only been a one-time thing, and just keep an eye on him.  When I got
home, first thing I did was pick him up and check - sure enough, now the
scab is gone.  No new bites, but he couldn't have chewed it off himself (on
his scruff).  I hate to seperate them - I only have one ferret-proofed room,
and seperating them means one would have to stay in the cage all day, and I
know how much they dislike that.
What do I do?  I've heard about introducing a new ferret, but these two have
been together for almost 2 years!  I did give them both a bath last night,
hoping it would help...
They're both eating/sleeping/pooping normally.  No hair loss, and her vulva
isn't swollen (they're both fixed).  Any clues, oh most wise ferret experts?
Tina Marie
[Posted in FML issue 1986]