>Someone a few weeks ago (sorry, I forget who) suggested getting MF to put
>out a pamplet on ferret health that would go out with all their ferrets to
>better educate the new owner... Several other people brought up the fact
>that MFs current paperwork rarely goes out with the ferrets as it is, and
>that this would be something fairly expensive for MF to implement (and thus
>that they probably wouldn't want to).
The petstore in my area has actually agreed to hand out the brochures I've
made.  (and paid for with my own money!)In it there is some basic
information and on it is my name and phone# for people to contact if they
need more info.  I run a Shelter/Information center in the Ohio Valley and
so far all the stores etc.  that deal with ferrets havebeen pretty helpful.A
friend of mine has been giving the First Aid booklet for ferrets to her
petstore and they give one to every new ferret owner.If everyone does things
like this, we'd get a long way towards educating people....
On another note, I recently saw a program where a 5 year old was drawing
pictures of a Rainbow bridge after a near death experience... Wether you
believe in it or not, I feel better.From the mouths of babes.....
Sam& The Ratpack
Rascal (aka Ratman)
Bandi (aka Ratgirl)
Robin (aka Ratboy)
[Posted in FML issue 1985]