testing the waters gingerly with toes...
What about tattooing MF ferrets' toes as a means to keep track of birth
year?  Every ferret born in 1997 could have a dot on the left toe on the
left front foot, the 1998 ferrets could have a dot the next toe over, etc.
At twenty toes, you're not too likely to have any overlap.  The only
information this would give you would be birth year, of course, but that
would be better than nothing, and it would provide a reference point for
every ferret (and maybe make life a little easier for those who run shelters
as well).  No new equipment for MF; they would have to maintain and
hopefully make public the list of what dot corresponds to what year.  It
would then be up to ferret folks to gather lifespan and health data, if MF
was not willing to put any further work into it.  Anyway just a thought,
from a tattoo oriented individual ;)
Now for Hagen-- one thing I will say for them is that they do provide a four
page booklet with their ferret starter kits, with some more or less accurate
information, including strong warnings about blockages.  Now if they'd only
give up on the wood chips... The query is, do Hagen ferrets in Eastern
Canada come all the way from Manitoba?  Amelia's a Hagen ferret purchased in
Quebec, so I'm just curious how far that little fuzzball had to travel.
Hope everyone is well and keeping cool if you're anywhere hot--
and Cully and Amelia too!
[Posted in FML issue 1985]