I can't describe the joy (and sorrow) I feel.  Thank you so much for the
poems and thoughtful emails towards Laz.  We here on the list are truly a
one-of-a-kind people.  It's too bad the whole world wasn't full of love as
we are towards our fuzzies and each other.
I read my email this morning from all of you that sent notes of condolences
and poems and tears streamed down my face. You people, tho total strangers
in a sense of not ever meeting you, ARE FAMILY.
Thank you again BIG, for those back issues. I saved the posts about Laz and
I'm calling it "Laz's Story."
Eventhough he was only with us for almost one year, he will forever be in
my heart.
Rascal "Hey, something's different in this cage?. . .
Tozer "Yeah, Laz must be sleeping somewhere else . . .
Raspberry "Funny, he didn't say he was leaving? . . .
Radar "Where'd he go, and why's mommy got water coming out of her eyes? . . .
[Posted in FML issue 1957]