We live in Massachusetts.  Yes, Fuzzies Aloud! :-)
Keeping Cool:
One afternoon my Fuzzy and I were very hot, the fan wasn't doing the trick.
At that time I was wishing that I had a pool to keep cool.  Well I came up
with an idea.  Not knowing how it was going to work.  I took the bottom of
his starter cage (a plastic pan would work) and filled it with water (just a
couple of inches) and put some floaty toys in it.  Bandit, my Fuzzy, hates
baths but I tell you he did enjoy this.  The toys got him interested in
seeing what this new thing was all about.  He didn't take to the pool idea
at first but he visits it very often.  (If he knows that I'm in sight he
jumps out quickly but I sneak lots of peaks.) Yes the floor gets a little
wet even though I have blankets down but it'll dry.  My Bandit is happy so
I'm happy.  We still hate our baths but he gets very upset when I take the
pool away to change the water.
Need Advice:
I plan on getting another fuzzy for my Bandit (male and approx age 9Months).
He's been with us since January 1,1997 at 3:40pm.  I've read the FAQ's and
all but I was wondering how others found getting another fuzzy went.  Is
there anyway that I can prepare?  Please send your experience.
E Page & Bandit
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[Posted in FML issue 1984]