>Subject: National Organization
>I'm going to get this out quickly and move on.  I agree with Rebecca
>Murdock and others on this.  We already have clubs and groups that handle
>show standards and such.  What is needed now is an organization that brings
>are lovable fuzzies up to the same or higher level than the dog.
The dog world model is a single major national organization (the AKC) with
several rivals that handle other dogs (UKC, USKC, etc.)
Standards are made by the clubs representing the individual breeds but then
"elevated" by the AKC when forwarded to them.
The AKC does the non-show things but the financing for the "important" stuff
is the shows and registrations.  Fees paid for AKC sanctioning, pedigrees,
and the like support the loftier goals.
Cheryl writes:
>I'm alittle confused.  I would like someone to explain "support loftier
>goals, as in AKC.  If you were to call them....they would define themselves
>as "registration and records" only!
They have no loftier goals other than uplifting the pedigreed dog.  Some
would say I'm harboring hate against them (AKC).  But I've spent more than
20 years at AKC sanctioned shows, and purebred meetings.  Where the only
issues that were raised and argued over....was "what judge will we hire for
our show".
I think Ferrets deserve more than emulating a canine club.  I think the
Ferret is a much more diverse pet that should have a Club or clubs behind it
that Educate about the whole animal....if that education process include
show, so be it.  I learned more at dog shows from breeders and handlers than
I ever learned anything from the AKC.  They will supply you with their rule
books for a fee.  I think any well rounded animal association should be
involved with shows, but not at the AKC level....because those of us who
just love our animals for who they are won't be able to participate.  Clubs
like the AKC make it undesirable to own anything that is less than
perfect.... (Standards set by the Clubs and approved by the AKC).  I don't
want to be envolved with anything like this.  It takes the fun right out of
owning a Ferret.  Colors and conformation are important....but so is having
a unusually marked neutered ferret, that is cobby and short.  So we must by
all means aspire to keep the fun classes and the specialty classes open to
I'm not involve in showing, breeding ferrets, but I was drawn toward them
because of the diverse colors and conformation, and because they weren't
conformation regulated (to my knowledge) and they were just these HUGE
personalities in fur.  I'm still amazed at how smart they are....gives new
meaning to human intelligence.
The AFA sounds great, and I'm writing a check today to join.  Thanks to Zen
for information they posted.
Also, could someone e-mail me with a snail mail address for the rabies
testing, I want to contribute some money in Paul's name for the really
beautiful ferret baby he gave me last Friday.
Thanks for listening!
[Posted in FML issue 1983]