My $.02:
Do you guys remember the Exxon Oil spill a few years ago?  The boycott
against Exxon at the time was HUGE.  That "fiasco" had huge coverage and
many people would not buy Exxon gas for a LONG time after the accident.  But
as many that boycotted Exxon, many more did not, and the bottom line is
Exxon survived and is still going strong today.
My personal opinion is that boycotts make *you* feel better inside, more
than making a huge difference to the cause.  Its a personal decision whether
to support the state of Michigan financially in any way.  If it makes you
feel good, then do it.
The bottom line is that Michigan most likely won't curl up and die because
of a boycott.  I think education works better than anger.  Boycotting them
won't make them educate themselves - it might make them think we're a bunch
of fanatics.  Educate them, don't alienate them.
- Mish
__MICHELLE Z. MATTA__________________________
Carnegie Mellon University......Athletic Dept
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[Posted in FML issue 1983]