Everyone is always talking about their ferret cages (wire cages) and I was
simply wondering if anyone ever thought of a wireless cage.  My husband and
I put our heads together 3 years ago and came up with this type of enclosure
for my three guys.  We wanted to stay away form wire etc.  so we built a pen
that is approx.  8' by 12' with 2-2 1/2' high walls.  There is a tiny door
with a latch, so when I am gone I close it and latch it, but when I am home
the ferrets can come and go as they please.  They have a two story condo
made out of wood, tunnels, carpet/linoleum mix floor, and tons of toys.  We
have a nice size basement, so we were able to make it so large.  Now it
doesn't have to be even half that size.  A friend of mine lives in an
apartment and she built one that is probably a quarter of the size.  She
built a two story condo and has a linoleum/carpet floor which is great for
her because she can clean the floor easily.  Her guys love!  Anyway, I just
thought that I would mention this for anyones interest.
     Melanie and the gang!(Norman, Gizmo, and Moe)
[Posted in FML issue 1982]