I haven't yet bought a ferret, but I'm doing all the research I can so I can
have a nice home built for them and know how to train them.  I appreciate
all the informative posts on this list!
Here's what I'm looking for: owners of ferrets or breeders in Lancaster
County, PA, or at least very close by.  I've gotten a few names off the
ferret database, but haven't yet heard back.
Q: Is it better to buy a ferret from a breeder rather than from a pet store?
Q: Do ferrets ever cuddle in your lap, or do they only want to play when
   they're awake?
Q: Would one ferret be happy living in a 2-cage system with lots of piping
   connecting the two if I can only spend an hour or two a day with one?
Thanks for your help!
Eve Kochel
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[Posted in FML issue 1982]