While on the Discovery Nature chat site, I recently came across the
following message.  I have asked for (and received) permission to post
this, so that anyone who may be capable of helping, can do so... Any person
wishing to respond to this, please send e-mail directly to
[log in to unmask] - thankyou
    by [log in to unmask],
    Thu Jun 19 21:47:46 1997
    FERRET WARNING: Vanguard Airlines, serving Las Vegas, Chicago Midway,
    and other ports of call, may allow only one-way travel with your dear
    pet.  My friend Gary flew to Illinois a few months ago on Vanguard, in
    the company of the lovely Gracie.  No one asked him about the carrier
    or gave him any grief.  Friday, when Gary & Gracie went to board the
    plane home to Las Vegas, the flight attendant curtly informed him that
    ferrets were not allowed on that airline.  He explained that he had
    been allowed to bring her on the flight out with no problem.  He
    explained that she was never trouble in transit, and more importantly,
    that he had no other way to get her home.  The attendant still
    refused, but said he could ask the pilot.  The pilot said NO.  Gary
    refused to board without Gracie and drove her to my house in SE Wis.
    Here he waited until she curled up to sleep with my 5 ferrets, and
    then he left.  NEVER fly Vanguard.
    Does anyone know how to get a homesick ferret from Wisconsin to Vegas?
    She's eating okay, but she looks for him.  One of her temp cagemates,
    Shasta, starved herself nearly to death when we adopted her, because
    she missed her prior mama.
    I love Gracie, and I want her to be with her daddy where she belongs.
    I can't drive her there.  Is there a trusted shipping company, or is
    anyone "going her way?" --CRC, Wilmot, WI
mailto:[log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance for any help you can give to this fuzzy and her owner.
[Posted in FML issue 1981]