>From:    Melissa Litwicki <[log in to unmask]>
>      I wonder if MF would take this seriously.
>> zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
>They very well might.  Many in the ferret "community" can talk rationally
>with them and they do listen to those people.  Several can not talk
>rationally when they let misguided emotions run away with them.
>Marshall Farms doesn't usually place ferrets directly into pet stores but
>goes through brokers.  Along the way the pet stores end up with no clue as
>to where the ferrets came from.
So Bill, what color is the sky in your world? Just kidding :-)
Perhaps more than any other issue, you and I are on different ends of this
topic.  First of all, PET SUPERMARKETS are a large southern chain that
purchases many, many MF ferrets every few weeks.  They KNOW where they are
getting them from.  Secondly, while it may be convenient for you to
mischaracterize or put down the people that disagree with you on MF, it is
hardly an admirable quality, nor an effective element of argument.  Perhaps
MF may begin to speak for themselves someday relieving you of this burden, I
am sure many would listen.  However, as far back as I can remember, I have
not seen one post by them, just second party defenders such as yourself.  I
would rather the issues and not the egos remain the center of this debate.
Bill, unless you are an authorized agent for MF, why not let MF speak for
themselves?  And finally, this question is addressed to all: Why should MF
be different than any other company when it comes to public accountability?
Bill, no disrespect, but unless you are an authorized agent, your accounts
of MF are no less hearsay than any other post regarding this outfit.  I hope
you can understand that.  There have been some valid questions raised
concerning MF, and until there are some responsible AND accountable AND
verifiable answers, they will just keep on coming up again and again.  As
they should.  The only dark cloud over MF is the one they themselves have
placed there.
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 1980]