Ferret greetings,
I have been following all the different posts concerning Kodo, ferret
legality, feral ferrets, supposed threat from ferrets, etc. and I have a
question.  In several posts there were references made to ferrets being baby
killers and baby maimers.  Could someone clarify this for me?  Where and how
did these statements originate?  I would like to know because if I should
ever be put in the position to denounce these allegations I would like info
to back it up.
All the various posts are so informative, except I am at a loss when it
comes to the issues of ferrets being a threat to babies.
Dave Les-
I just read your posts concerning Mary Grace Strobieski (Sp?).  Your letter
to her superior was very well written and I applaud your approach.  I have
had to explain to my son (5 yo) about Kodo and I don't think he quite
understood, but I will continue to tell him.
Margaret Merchant-
I am not Celtic (I think.  Bio-father skipped when I was a baby).  My
heritage to my knowledge is Polish and German from my mother and French and
Cheerokee from my father.  At least that is all my mother can remember
concerning cerning his ethnic background.  Anyway, the point is I enjoy your
wit even if I have no Celtic blood in me.  One thing, I find it sad that you
have to warn people, but if it helps keep you out of trouble with some
people, than more power to you.  Keep the laugh lines open and to heck with
those who don't take the time to get to know you or understand you.
To Cobra in FFZ:
The fur loss could be a sign of adrenal, but also stress.  The bites marks
and scabs could also be a sign that there is some aggressive behavior when
you are not watching.  My albino (RB) lost his fur and then would have red
marks on his neck from the two girls I brought home.  Rufus was an only
ferret for four years.  When I separated them - I put Rufus back in his own
cage - his fur began to grow back.  I still let them play together, but the
girls would go in one cage and Rufus in another.  However, when his time did
come because of something unrelated his necropsy showed signs of adrenal
disease.  So don't rule that out.  As for the weight issue, the one ferret
could be hogging the food dish.
To whoever had the car ride tip:
I tried something similar but different.  I used the passenger seat, but
instead of the seatbelts I used the headrest.  I gave Kalie enough leash to
move around without going off the seat and then wrapped the rest of the
leash around the headrest, making sure it was not raised.  Worked like a
Bob C:
I am deeply sorry not to have said anything sooner, but here it is.  My
condolences on your father and I hope your mother is doing better.  Your
family is in our prayers.
By the way, love your posts.
Bob Jacobs:
My condolences to you and your family on the loss of Kodo.  It is sad it had
to happen and I think it is outrageous for the state to kick you while you
are down.  My family will light a candle at church (St.  Patrick's Catholic
Church in Washington, IL) for you, your family and Kodo.  Hang in there.  We
will keep you in our prayers.
Our prayers and love to ALL fuzzies and their owners.
Ferret hugs & kisses,
Donelle, Christian, and Sebastian (silly humans)
Kalie - the dainty little ferret lady
Moose - Musashi, the samurai ferret
Wiskers - Queen of tug of war
[Posted in FML issue 1980]