Well, Bear had surgery Wednesday and came home Thursday.  Seems to be ok,
but slightly depressed and appetite isn't too good.  We're all just so glad
to have him home though.
Questions for anyone with experience in this:  What should I expect next?
How long is recovery?  Is there anything I should or shouldn't do?  Scar is
so big! :-(  Vet said keep them separate, but Gizmo is so sweet I have them
together anyway.  She seems to understand because she is sleeping in hammock
(instead of on top of him like usual). :-)
Any tips would be appreciated.
So sorry about the whole Kodo thing ... cried for days ... got everyone
involved at work.
There is a candle lit in Smithtown, New York for Kodo, too!  So many candles,
no wonder the days and nights have been brighter lately.
Thanks a bunch,
owned by:
Gizmo (Mom, why can't Bear come out and play?)
and Bear (Ooh, Owh, I'm so sleepy ...)
[Posted in FML issue 1979]