I am compiling comments about a proposed (by others) future ferret
organization; this task does not give me any status, power, or title, though
if anyone wants me to present a title I may be referred to as Primary Scud
Worker SDC.  What appears below should not be read as my own work but as a
COMPILATION so expect some opposites and the other conflicts.
PLEASE, note that not everyone posting in the FML desires a new group, but I
simply do NOT have the time to also research and then put together a list of
what is working well in each group, though there certainly ARE any number of
things which are.  Could we PLEASE, have an unbiased VOLUNTEER to look into
EVERY large group and compile what they are achieving, what their methods
are,what their problems are, if those are being addressed and how, and so
on?  It could be very informative.
Here is what I have received so far about the new ferret organization idea.
PLEASE, READ IT.  If you think that's a lot of work imagine what compiling
the various suggestions entailed.  Some of these suggestions mesh with my
own ideas and some don't, but no one has ever named me god so I am just
doing my duty and reporting ALL to you.  Flaming me won't make what's not my
comment mine, okay?  If I missed any ideas and mentions or otherwise goofed,
please, tattle on me and let me know, too, so that I may make corrections.
If you simply want to support or debate (without any new ideas) one of the
suggestions enclosed there is NO reason to write to me since your points are
already enclosed and I have no power over what anyone else thinks is
logical, good, or appropriate.
These comments are from FML Members.  It would be best to hear from the
members of other organizations to find out what they would like ferret
organizations to focus upon, how the work could be spread among all, how
communication between groups could be facilitated, and so on.  The
nominations mentioned are also only from the FML; ideally any effort to put
together a new group would reflect the choices of other ferret people as
well.  It may happen that no new organization is needed; that focus,
communication, mutual support, and coordination among the existing ones
could solve all problems, but there may well be a niche for another focus
group which could provide data and support even internationally.
So, should this also go out to U.S. national organizations?  We will cover
the postage and address all the fool envelopes, but I want to wait a couple
of weeks to see what people have to say and if the existing groups here show
any willingness to listen to what people are upset about.  (THANKS, S & P
for the address sources!)
Suggestions of goals ran the gamut of only helping existing leagues
communicate, only dealing with legislation, only dealing with public
education, through to doing it all.  Most people mentioned two to four
inter-related goals connected to legal issues.  Here are the suggestions:
Education and legalities only; Watch-dog on the media; Reduce duplication of
efforts among existing groups; Collect and provide substantiated information
to existing groups; "Bring owners together"; Focus on legislation; Provide
funds for- or actual lawyers, experts and transportation; Perhaps help fund
the shedding studies; Improve cooperation and communication among existing
groups; Concentrate on educating the general public; Focus on Legislation,
education, getting facts to government officials, and getting local members
to know their local politicians; Become a Ferret PAC with representatives
from every major ferret association; Quarantine laws only; Be a federation
of existing groups; or Be a Lobby Group.  Most had an interrelated
combination of public education/publicity/media watch relating to legal
issues and interaction with politicians and officials, especially for
quarantine laws.
There is a large section at the bottom on existing groups and complaints
received about them which is in great detail because I don't have ANY desire
to repeat it.  It was needed as an enclosure this once, though, for three
reasons: some folks would rather have the existing large groups correct
their difficulties than having any new organizations but they find many
problems needing attention, second because it may well turn out that if
these groups hear what folks are saying then they might respond accordingly,
and third any new group would have to avoid these pit-falls, as well.
Comments on organization:
Base it upon local power with the larger divisions becoming involved when
requested.  Have a blanket group with higher dues (perhaps monthly) and have
this group also distribute monies among the existing organizations.  Make it
responsible and democratic and get the lions to lie down with the lions.
Follow that of existing groups such as the U.S.  Dressage Foundation with
independent local groups which are the heart of the foundation and a control
group to set uniform standards, coordinate, and publish a
magazine/newsletter.  At the highest level of organization (and of design
board) have a committee with a moderator/compromise seeker who votes only as
a tie-breaker and avoid having any figureheads.  Have one spokesperson.
Follow the structure of International, National, Regional, State, Division,
County, and Further Locals if needed with each reporting to the next larger
step.  Use the hydra model (so that a poor leader can not damage the entire
group) by having independent boards with each of those boards having a
representative on the Executive Board which would have the sole
responsibilities of budget and publications.  Have no more than 9 to 12
members on the highest seats of power.  Will very likely need to have around
25 members in highest seats of power (as well as in the original design
committee) to get folks to work together.
Grass root lobbying at the state level since quarantine laws are a state by
state issue.  Establish a clearing house for rabies information and a
coherent list of contact people for each state to reduce duplications of
effort.  (Mention was made here by a few folks of Dick Bossart and Troy Lynn
Eckhart having excellent collections of data, studies, legislation, and the
ilk.  That's certainly true.) Provide a national general information center
to eliminate contradictions.  Have a newsletter as well as web page or other
Internet communications since so many people are not wired.  Develop
standard press packets on general things such as natural history of ferrets,
their care, their personalities, and health related issues to be accompanied
with polite specific letters.  Reduce duplication of efforts (...She types
as she realizes that this is also mentioned in "Goals".).  Have a rabies and
legal issues web page (Kym and I think another(?) are already working on
this but need information with proofs of validity).  Educate the public.  Be
political in ways which dispel the image of ferret owners as few in a
lunatic fringe.  Get representatives of existing groups involved.  Take the
long view.  Pick your battles (for better success in the long run and more
effective use of resources).  Be sure to NOT interfere with local efforts
since the groups engaged in them know their laws, law-makers, officials, and
newspapers, and have voter power, and your actions may damage what has
already been accomplished.  Do not displace funding from smaller groups.  Be
religion-free to avoid aggravating potential members or those we need on our
side.  Release from any post anyone who speaks in the name of the group (or
when using the name of the organization) IF the person writes or says things
which have not already passed by vote since this could cause
misunderstandings or liability.  Utilize articles in existing ferret
magazines and gain publicity through them.  Recruit an extensive network of
local members since it can't work without them.  Form lobbying groups with
vets, lawyers, and those with political saavy and clout.  Keep any dues low.
Tackle any discovered inconsistencies in laws in favor of the better one for
ferrets or present an option which is better for ferrets.  Help in local
situations when and if local groups or owners request the action and if the
board deems it a feasible battle to fight.
(most without the addresses I need and requested) TO BE VOTED AMONG FOR THE
Sam Young, Sheena Staples, Sheila Crompton, Trish Curtis, Bob Church, Dick
Bossart, Sukie Crandall, Bill Gruber, "Dr. Karen" (Karen, what's your last
name?), Dr. Mike Dutton, Dr. Bruce Williams, Tracy Tunnison, Bill KIllian,
Maggie Merchant, Randy Sellers, Pam Grant, and Pam Greene.  (By NO special
order -- just wrote them down on a sheet as received.) I need your addresses,
folks, and who is interested in running.
NONE of these were self-nominations, BTW.
(Please, note that some of the abbreviations, and maybe some of the names
have already been used so are not available, ex.  UFO.)
Federation of Ferret Organizations, Ferret Lobby, Inter National ferret
Organization (INFO), National/International Ferret Organization/
Federation/Union/Club/Association/League, Business of Ferrets,
International Ferret Business, International Ferret Federation Only (IFF
Only), United Ferret Owners, and (of course) Kodo's Coalition.
The only ways that my private mail on the issue are unlike the FML posts are
1. that I have received a wider variety of nominations for the design
committee -- including the person nominating me but perhaps she just failed
to sleep that night <G>; don't know yet if I'd run even though it is
intriguing to help shape the foundation of an organization since I'm not
sure I'd have the time to do it justice,
2.  NO one completely opposed to the idea has written to me directly about
that.  Could someone else, PLEASE, volunteer for such mails and put together
unbiased information on existing groups?
(this is a section I have to do because of the large number of
suggestions/complaints/comments but I am not at all keen on repeating it so,
please, stick to topic)
There have been some incredibly revealing comments (E-mail and phone calls)
about the current national organizations.  THESE MUST ALSO BE CONSIDERED BY
ANY POSSIBLE FUTURE GROUP.  I'd swear some people typed their fingers sore
since the feelings are running high.  These comments are coming from a WIDE
range of ferret people -- lurkers, newbies, oldtimers, all ages, active and
inactive.  As a result I think they should be presented here, even though
this isn't part of what I set out to collect.  Some of these folks think a
new organization is ESSENTIAL to get the quarantines through.  Others hope
or believe that the national groups COULD do it IF they were willing to
listen to some constructive criticism from friends (all of us) and act
logically upon the ideas.  Not all of these comments come from all who
replied, nor would all comments apply to all organizations, but there was a
LOT of overlap and the SAME problems kept being stated ( often mentioned
despite sincere respect and despite real appreciation for all which has
already been acheived by the current groups).:
1.  Few of the national groups have a FOCUS.  EACH keeps trying to do
EVERYTHING, and many get defensive so want to have the final say on whatever
is being debated.  People kept saying that they would like groups to NOT be
spread so thinly.  One idea was that each national organization should PICK
foci they decide upon.  Others think the national groups are so involved in
their infighting that they can not talk or let anyone else decide anything
for them so it's a waste of time mentioning it.  Did I waste my time?  Still
others think that up-and-coming folks (rather than principals who may be
mired in old rivalries) in each of these organizations (and any possible
future groups) should form a blanket board with the aims of mutual support,
efficiency, and an end to the arguments.
2.  The constant bickering was said to be eroding your support bases.
(Personal note here -- this is also why Steve and I pay dues to only one of
your groups.) Forgive me for being blunt but I don't know how else to say
this and it was a strong, common complaint: outside your immediate circles
it sounds like no one really cares who did what to whom when.  (Sadly, I
don't, either, so don't send any of that on to me.) In fact, folks used some
very inventive to down-right barnyard language about this problem.  I got
quite an earful.  WHAT PEOPLE WANT ARE RESULTS.  The past is the past, time
to kiss and make up, shake hands, let bygones be bygones, start fresh, etc.
What matters is the FERRETS, not personal arguments.  BE THE FIRST ON YOUR
BLOCK TO EXTEND THE OLIVE BRANCH or I might just inflict more homily-torture
<G>.  Again, some think that the personalities involved are such that no one
will the first to PATCH THINGS UP and no one will COMPROMISE.  Am I wrong in
hoping you will?  It might also be that if the groups would decide on foci,
or have the coordinating board mentioned, or both that this waste of energy
would stop.  On the face of it the logic is apparent.  You folks have
already each done so much; certainly you can do this for the fuzzies?!?
3.  LACK OF DELEGATION met with some choice comments.  ( Personal butting-in
again: just from an ex-retail manager's viewpoint this failure reduces
effectiveness, annoys participants, prevents easy successions, and sets
entire groups up to fail when figureheads leave.) ALL of those comments were
made by others, too, as well notes upon the REWARD aspects of doing a job
and seeing results especially when other members show GRATITUDE.  It was
LEVEL.  Politicians (and most fml folks who wrote or called me) don't care
who is called the Lord High Poobah of what.  The fml folks for the reasons
above, and politicians simply because you are not potentially in their donor
and voter pool.
4.  Some of the folks who have been around a while are sounding fed up with
sensationalism from some of the national figures.
5.  Too few people wind up with too much power.  (This relates to 3, of
So, are the national groups so divisive and so thinly spread in their
functions that they are beyond repair?  That, after all, is what will
determine whether another group is needed.  Could people PLEASE talk, put
aside grievances, compromise, support each other, focus, and let your
organizations be based upon your volunteers, titled or not?  These comments
were from your FRIENDS -- imagine how your enemies who are anti-ferret use
these weaknesses.
P. Scud W. SDC
If you are upset about any of the above don't flame me; it's rude. Just
tell me your ideas if they differ (actual ideas, please, not just insults
about anything which I will continue to trash) and I will include them.
[Posted in FML issue 1976]