Hello again,
I'm finally getting a little caught up (with Kitty's help) and feel some
things need to be clarified about the Kodo Coalition.
I've talked with Sally Heber of AFA and Mickie Wingate of GLFA about this.
The organization I want started is strictly for the legal\political benefit
of our fur-babies.  I'm not going to be worrying about putting on shows or
any of the other great things these or other clubs do.
The AFA, GLFA, MAFF and many other clubs have been extremely supportive of
Kitty & I and Kodo's cause.  Please don't anyone think that we're trying to
slight anyone.  Not only have the clubs been supportive, so have so many of
you, hell, all of you!!!  We will not attempt to undercut any organization
or person in my endevor.
The clubs are helping.  Many have, as I understand, tried to do something
similar to this in the past.  I feel the difference is that I'm going into
this with a focused, concentrated effort directed towarad a universally
accepted legislation to save our fur-babies.
"Local" clubs or national clubs or international clubs will have to play a
very active roll in this also.  I can't do it alone.  I can start things, I
can provide the info, I can put a package togeather that "should" make sense
to every state.  I can help present it and basically figurehead the effort
and concentrate on it, but I can not force it through every state.  It's
going to take supporters in each and every state.  A club, or individual
ferret owners to get their senators & House reps to analyze and legalize it
which takes time.
        Robert Jacobs
[Posted in FML issue 1976]