I searched the Federal Yellow Pages and found the following:
Congressional Friends of Animals
2217 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0512
"Congressional Friends of Animals is a bipartisan group that provides a
forum for discussion on a broad range of animal issues and the expression of
a variety of views.  In addition to acting as a clearinghouse for
information on animal welfare issues, the group sponsors debates, panel
discussions and staff briefings"
Co-Chairs:  Tom Lantos, D-Calif.
             Christopher Shays, R-Conn.
Staff Contacts:
Winthroup Wulsin, Director for Rep. Lantos 2217
Rayburn House Office Building (202)225-3531
Kristin Miller, Legislative Assistant to Rep. Shays
1502 Longworth House Office Building (202)225-5541
Congressional Friends of Animals business is handled through Rep.
Lantos' office.
(This looks to be a great source to help ferrets and especially to get the
press and help with the Kudo movement!) Flood this office with your
concerns.  As a former congressional staffer I know the squeeky wheel gets
the grease!)
[Posted in FML issue 1975]