We have some very long discussions today concerning the pros and cons of a
new national group, so in fairness to those who'd rather not wade through
that, I'll create another FML tonight containing only the national
organization posts.  The national group issue will follow this one.
Kodo posts, including a disheartening status report from Bob Jacobs as well
as the Kodo auction update are at the bottom of *this* issue,
If the new group discussions continue I'll have to start another list for
this.  An open forum dedicated specifically for this would relieve the FML
of some of this load.  I hesitate to start another list until I'm certain
we'll need it, but it will probably be obvious soon.
We need to get back to planning the FML 10th anniversary celebration.  The
FML has been keeping me pretty busy lately, but I have to make a few calls
to some people for their input and start work on that again.
[Posted in FML issue 1975]