First of all,
I think it would be great if someone could write a children's book about
KODO   I think this is a wonderful idea, -
Secondly, I realize and it has been posted here and there on the FML, the
ignorance of people regarding ferrets, I sit here typing amazed at in really
PUSHING the story of Kodo and his plight, some of the responses that I have
heard.  I live in Virginia, and the posts on the Kommando list of Virginia
being an unfriendly ferret state only reinforces these responses that I have
heard back....
When asking an acquaintence in the newspaper business if he had heard about
Kodo, his response was "oh, you mean the ferret that scratched and bit
someone repeatedly in the face"?  Taken aback, I asked him what paper he saw
this in.  He said the Richmond Times, he believed, and he would make a point
that if he still had the article to bring it to me...
Anyone heard of this?  This is certainly news to me.  He also told me that
Stafford, Virginia was trying to make ferrets illegal in their county.  I
live in Caroline, and "will not even go there" trying to find out if
Caroline is a ferret friendly county or has gotten to the point
that with all that happened with Kodo, the children in the neighborhood can
no longer "play" with mine as they did, but to draw attention to myself in
that respect I cannot risk losing my ferts....anyone who knows whether or
not this is a county thing, and what counties are involved, the info would
be appreciated!
Another response from a local publisher that always seems to find himself
involved in controveral issues (I thought PERFECT candidate - NOT) said that
"he thinks there are more important things to worry about, such as pro-life"
and as I sat there listening for an hour about his cause, I wrote up the
address to Kodo's page and handed it to him, asking that he please take a
I am not in the least demeaning prolifer's, please don't get me
is just that "my direction" leans towards animals......
Just thought you all should be aware...
[Posted in FML issue 1972]