What a great post!
Dear Bob,
My family and I are with you.  You set out before us what to do, and we will
do it.  You are right about Kodo.  The higher power, whom I call God, did
send him for a purpose.  I know that even though I hated the stuff going on
in the government, I felt helpless to do anything.  After this began, I
learned more about the workings of our leaders.  I was then, and am now
appalled that this could happen.  If God sent Kodo to us to make it possoble
to pull together to fight for ferret rights, then I will not let his
sacrifice be in vain.
Wish I could be there for the candle burning for Kodo.....my heart and
thoughts are there...
There will be a candle burning in Virginia this evening!
Karen, Manna, Morrow, Hopps, Bandit, Clarice, Sweetpea, Snipper, & the 8
lil' pigs!
[Posted in FML issue 1972]