Hello everyone,
I think a national ferret organization is a great idea, but like Nancy
Maclean that posted yesterday i am from Canada and woul like to be part of
this process.  So lets get ALL together and fight for this cause, lets fight
for the injustice Kodo was put through.
All my sympathy goes out to Kodo's family, i cannot start to think how you
guy's must feel.  I cried myself to sleep every night since Kodo's passing,
i cannot put his sweet little face out of my mind.  I visited his web site
last night and everything was very painful.  I did not want to go at the
beginning but i told myself i owed it to Kodo for all he went through.  I
hope he is very happy wherever he is and FREE at last....
I took the adress for great lakes ferret ass.  from the web page and sent a
donation to help for the legal bills.  I am a university student and don't
have much to spare, but i told myself that anything is better than nothing.
I will try to make donations again.
I love you KODO.....your death will not be in vain!!!!!!!!!
Sincerly, Mireille
Lucy, Antha, Molly and Chavez (Thank you for your courage Kodo)
[Posted in FML issue 1972]