>Kodo Koalition of America
>"Choked" by Ricky
- Try putting some Ferretone on "Baby", so Ricky will be too busy licking.
Worked for me.  Still, always supervise until behavoir changes.
>M. Janke
- have the ribbon made into a pin and I'll buy one and proudly where it on
all my clothes, hats, jackets, anywhere it will be visible.
Thanks BIG, and I am getting the ad prepared !!
>Nancy Maclean
- WELCOME, wish all lurkers would COME OUT !!
- Excellent thinking on ORG.  )))) Curtsy (((( I go see Meltdown, son of
Ceazar next week !!  WWWEEEEE !!!
- My thoughts exactly, Oh, about what some people may say or think of you -
I think you are OK, at least you are out there, honest, and educate.  I am
interested in all your knowledge as I am of Bob C.  and lot's of OTHERS here
in this FORUM.  I always keep an open mind and if I don't agree put it out
there for discussion.  Thank You for your many educational posts.
>Mustang Charlie
- excellent choice of people, right along with the ones Zen put out there.
I add Jeanne and Floyd Carley, Pat wright, Bill Phillips, Dr. Rene
Gandolphi, Dr. Steve Sanders, Dr. Jeff Jenkins, and there is more, but these
I know of !  And if ever we can get our AB 363 author and Assemblyman, Jan
Goldsmith !  He is a God send to CaCaLand !  ((((Curtsy))))
>Greg Stephens
- Great breakdown !!!  International needs to be a part.  We have had great
support and response from our foreign ALLIES.  IMHO it would be a disgrace
to KODO and our fertbabies for them to be pushed aside !!!!!
>Eric and Mary Sheffield
- They should also get support from the org once it is established, they are
to be commended for the great job they are doing !!!  Putting Ferts 1st, is
a great task.
>Maggie Mae
- I think it was rude for anyone to tell you to but out, at this time all
suggestions are warranted.  I personally don't know you, but I like your
ferret posts, the humor keeps me smiling.  However, I sense an underlying
problem here and it's none of my business.  But I do have a comment.  What
goes around, comes around and - Sounds like you are getting your round.  I
applaud you in your efferts to the ferret.  But you have to take
resposibility for your actions.  Remember - every action has a reaction and
that's why I feel it necessary to say something.  I don't know what gives,
don't care to.  Just keep up the good work for ferts.  I apologize if I hurt
your feelings in advance.  Maybe what ever you may or may not have done, if
you are honest with yourself, you can reverse it.  Oh, I bet i'm a BIGGER
CHICKEN than you are at surgery, I actually have to get sick and go to
bathroom before getting a calm down shot !  ;)
>Don and Janice Boyle
- I need list of manufacturers and addresses for Michigan boycott (I also
donot believe it will hurt Michigan fert owners, only get them much needed
press, the boycott will come from out of staters by letting the company know
your voice and youare in !) I've already given up my Tony Tiger and Riasin
bran.  Also as a BIG mouth, I will personally work with Marshall Farms, if I
can get an address and phone # for them.  If they will supply the names of
Pet Shops, location, I will help any one in CaCaLand to distribute an info
packet to go with any Kit sold.
NOW I HAVE A ?  Amidst (sp) all the rabies stuff, I received this in the
mail, would someone please uncloud my mind and tell me if this is real - (6)
Ferrets represent a series rabies vector.  There is a FDA approved rabies
vaccine available.  So far, in laboratory infected research ferrets, the
virus does not appear to be shed in the saliva.  If this holds true, then
ferret bites will not be able to transmit the rabies virus.  (editor note:
since this was written, rabies has been found in the saliva of ferrets
making this comment no longer factual).  Someone please reply to this.
Sheba aka [DS]  Here's Dookin' at ya' . AHDOOKA  AHDOOKA
[Posted in FML issue 1972]