Hi Ya'll,
A question for the vets--I have read and been told that the average life
span for ferrets with diagnosed adrenal disease is around 2 years.  This is
supposedly true after surgery or after starting medicine to control the
condition.  Does this estimate take into account the average age of the
ferret when it is initially diagnosed with the condition?
What I am wondering is if the life span is truly adversely affected by the
condition, or does it occur, on average, in older ferrets whose normal
remaining lifespan is around 2 years?
I would like to apologize to Diane Killian, belatedly I realized that Bill
signed the post Bill Only.  I seem to be very good at inadvertantly sticking
my foot in my mouth lately.  ;-)
In case anyone was wondering why this crazy southern woman is reverting back
to a more formal usage of name, I will elaborate.  I wanted to make sure
that no one assumed my use of Maggie Mae or Mo' Maggie was in any way
currently connected to anything or anyone but me.
It has been rather hot and muggy here lately, but trust me folks, it ain't
anywhere near as bad as Houston.
The ferrets are so much more active here than they were in Houston, even
though down there the house was technically just as cool, due to air
conditioning.  I think it is having fresher air, and a more normal humidity.
Running the air conditioner constantly, like you have to in Houston, really
dries out the air.
Although they do itch up here alot from the overall drier conditions.  I
can't seem to find the perfect place yet.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
I know I have been in a much more serious mode than normal lately, I
apologize.  I assure you I will return to the more isane version of myself
soon.  Maybe by tomorrow.
Margaret and her Mid Missouri Mustelid Mob of Madness
[Posted in FML issue 1972]