I just subscribed to the FML last week and have been frantically reading all
articles to keep up.  That has been quite a feat, considering all of the
Kodo articles.  The whole story has been infuriating.
My post concerns my hopes of finding a playmate for my best little
pal/sleeping buddy/pop bottle stashing carpet shark...Krysta.  She is a one
year old sable-mitt and is very spoiled.  She spends many hours each and
every day in order to train me.  As a result, she is spoiled on me.
I took my brother and sister to the GLFA ferret show last weekend and they
brought a new ferret into their home...10-week old Selena Moor.  She is
quite the little nipper!  I was looking for, but did not find a cagemate for
Krysta there.  Not that there were none that could have sufficed!  Every
time that I had my eye set on one and brought myself to ask about it I was
too late.  Instead, I got a slew of new stuff for Krysta.  Krysta has had a
few play sessions with Selena and I saw the joy in her eyes.  Also, I just
finished reading my fourth book devoted to ferrets (Two of them were
excellent..."Ferrets In Your Home," by Dr. Wendy Winsted, and the new book
by the editor of "Modern Ferret.").  Both factors set me in a state of mind
to make mine a multiple ferret household.
Consequently, I am looking for a second.  I would prefer something other
that a sable or chocolate (variety for me only).  She gets along with other
females better than males (some of my friends have male ferrets).  I would
prefer to adopt a one or two year old, but babies are welcome too.  I don't
care if they have their shots or not...that would be my first order of
I live in Ypsilanti, Michigan and don't mind paying for shipping or even
taking the time for a long drive...Krysta might enjoy a long drive:).
     Michael Landis  [log in to unmask]
     Krysta-owner and operator
[Posted in FML issue 1972]