To anyone in the Greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada:
We've been informed about a missing sable female ferret (spayed) about 1.5
years old.  She dissapeared sometime Saturday evening, possibly through an
open window.
She dissapeared from the Burnaby (Metrotown) area.  She was being ferret-sat
at the time and does not know the area in which she's gone missing.
I joined the search party this morning (which has been going on all night)
and we haven't found her, nor have we seen signs of her.  We've got a
Safe-Trap set up outside the house, posters around the neighborhood and in
mailboxes and we've taken the dogs out (I have great ferret-finding dogs) to
look but so far have come up empyt handed.
If you are in the Greater Vancouver area, we could use your help in several
areas.  1) please contact your local SPCAs, vet clinics and pet stores/pet
supply stores frequently to see if someone has turned her in or reported her
found.  2) we could use some help postering and faxing as well.
If you hear anything, please call Wherret Ferrets at 601-4883, or the
ferret-sitter at 433-4549, and check your windows!!
Thanks kindly for your help,
Sheena - [log in to unmask]  | "To Err is Ferret ... To Forgive|
VP - Greater Vancouver      | "... Well, That's Our Job"      |
     Ferret Association      (Wherret Web Pages Coming Soon!)
       We're on the Web!
[Posted in FML issue 1972]