Sukie wrote:
>Actually, our dumpster is the only one locally with no raccoon invasions.
>We suspect it smells too weasely for them to try.  Anyone with similar luck?
Heck no.  If only.  Unfortunately, our garbage, ferret poop and all, is
regularly raided by something.  We simply got a locking garbage can and now
it's all fine.
In other news, Friday's still doing well, as is Potpie.  I heard of a
homeopathic vet in my area who I'd like to try, as the main therapy (for
lympho) the vets I've been seeing have recommended is 1mL of pred per 100
grams of body weight - at least, I think that's the equation.  It might be
.1mL (I don't have a syringe here to check).  Anyway, that seems like an
awful lot of prednisone, and since pred suppresses the immune system, many
homeopathics agree you can't treat effectively with homeopathic therapies
once you've started prednisone therapy.  So, we'll see.  Potpie also has an
enlarged spleen but is still acting healthy.  The past few days I *swear*
she's been giggling as she follows me around and then abruptly streaks off
to the couch, racing me to see if she can burrow in before I can snag her
out (yes, usually).
Noodle has been having itchy skin lately, has been stinkier, and may or may
not be dribbling urine.  I'll have to watch him for any other symptoms.
Easel's still vomiting regularly, but otherwise is healthy.  Don't know what
to do about this.  Sigh.  Drat these critters.
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1955]