Just a quickie - on the National Org - think its a great idea but I think
its sole purpose should be Quarantine Laws.  There are many local clubs and
other groups to put on shows and do education.  There are too many states to
fight for quarantine.  I think that would eliminate a lot of other org's
problems, people who want more emphasis on one thing or another.  Just
I hope California is trying to get legal with a quarantine as part of the
deal.  Seems better to battle it all at once?
For the rally at Capital Hill (which I may not be able to attend and its
really hurting me) how bout calling some of the other local animal groups
and see if their interested in participating?  While dogs and cats may have
quarantine laws they have their own problems with the system, especially
animal control, and should be sympathetic to helping another animal group.
(In my old town you could never get animal control to come get a truly mean
stray - they were just forever picking up peoples friendly pets so they
could collect fines - and have you ever tried to get animal control to do
anything about animal neglect or abuse, or when one dog kills some elese's
dog?  Zippo is what usually happens!  A lot of groups have trouble with the
systems wishy washy lack of common sense when it comes to animal legal
Mary, Boris and Giesela
(and yes their are a few nice animal control officers out there - but
I've only heard of them, never met one)
[Posted in FML issue 1971]