After a tour in Vietnam, 3 1/2 years as a street cop, I thought very little
bothered me.  I have seen more of mans injustice to man that anyone ever
should.  But the injustice to Kodo has finally brought me to the breaking
point.  Enough is enough!
I agree with BobC in the need for a national if not international
organization for ferrets and their rights.  While this path will be a long
one, we have to do it.  The only other option's are militant uprising or
just bend over and take it when ever.  I do not at this point advocate an
militant uprising but am dammed tired of bending over for the politicians
and a screwed up court system.
Another option does exist.  Boycottting all products from Michigan until the
laws are changed, the present Governer is gone, and the animal control
officer is fired from her job.  Not only boycotting the products but also
emailing the producers and telling them why you no longer use their
products.  Name names when you do and it will sink in.  When the political
contributions start drying up from the producers, we would be speaking to
them in a language they understand.  A vote isn't going to have nearly as
much effect as the shrinking money will have.
Lastly, I consider Kodo as having been murdered by the state of Michigan.
"He who destroys a thing, controls a thing" (Dune).  A shame it had to be
Kodo who paid the price this time.  Are we next?
Slightly rabid Ferret owner, SteveMc, "Socks the Heavily Armed Ferret", and
the rest of the "Kiss My Rear Gang"
[Posted in FML issue 1970]