I cannot express the broken heartedness I feel for Kodo and his family.  The
feelings are there, just no words for them.  I am writing this after
attempting to read the FML dedicated to Kodo's memory.  I got about 70%
through when I decided I need to focus on something positive for a minute.
I can't handle the pain right now.
I have been trying for the last two days to get a hold of our county's
animal ward to ask him about ferret bite cases he may have delt with.  He
called me back today with good news.  He said he has always been instructed
in the past to treat them as they do hamster bites.  This does not even
involve a quarantine.  He said the owners are simply responsible for
watching for any strange behavior in the ferret that might indicate rabies
for at least 10 days.  What a relief!  I had never heard anyone on the list
say anything about how Illinois handled these issues before.  Of course he
was quick to inform me that there is an USDA approved vaccination for
ferrets.  And I was quick to inform him that ALL my ferrets have theirs.  ;)
I am in the process of doing a little more research on this topic.  He gave
me the name of a doctor in Springfield I could call for more information.  I
was curious if Illinois has an official written policy/law stating this is
how ferrets are to be handled, or if they just came to the conclusion
mutually that it was the right thing to do.
Anyway, I just thought I would let any Illinois residents that were unsure
know what I had found out.  If there is someone out there that has already
researched these issues for Illinois please let me know what you have found
For Kodo's family: My thoughts, prayers, (and donations) are on there way to
you.  Even though Kodo could not be spared you have sparked a flame in our
ferret community that has the chance to make some remarkable changes take
Keep the Faith,
Serra (and Ringo, Niki, Chili, Dexter, and Whitie)
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[Posted in FML issue 1970]