The infinite wisdom of our government strikes yet again.
This is from word of mouth but taken from the "official" documents submitted
to the appeals court by the State of Michigan Attorney General's office.
They have petitioned the court to dismiss the stay of execution for Kodo in
the "intrest of public health and in view of the victim's health" They are
requesting that Kodo be killed immediatly and tested.  They have also asked
the case be dismissed for lack of merit.  According to what I've been told
they are operating off 1992 guidelines (which we've been fighting all along)
I am so sick to death of these ignorant people I am screaming.  This entire
thing is now entirely political.  If they were indeed concerned with the
public health why haven't they had a vet check Kodo daily for any outward
signs of rabies?  Why haven't they simply made the "victim" take the
shots???  Why aren't they operating under the laws of the State of Michigan
as I have to do?  There's only one answer that applies to the "why's" that
answer is because they overstepped their bounds, operated on policy rather
than law and now they have to protect their official butts!!!  They have to
kill Kodo in hopes he's rabid to cover their high paid behinds, where, in
this state, is justice??  If I were some type of public official they'd
cover this up and hide it, but I'm just a lowly voter\taxpayer with a tiny
little pet that the Director of Michigan Department of Health happens to
hate with a passion.  How can any public official contort their own views
and misconstru them as "law"???
Yes, I'm burning hot.  There is no justice in Michigan.  Only what our
elected and appointed officials want to do.  It doesn't concern them what
the rest of the world has as facts, they're a bunch of old fuddy duddies who
live in their protected little space and god forbid the real world intrude
on that space.
Robert Jacobs.
[Posted in FML issue 1936]