Hello fellow friends of fuzzies,
I have a warning for all of you people who haven't sent out money for Kodo
and/or the California weezils.  Send whatever you can or your weezils will
have something to say about it.  I found out the hard way.  I had been
reading about Kodo case and the California efforts I hadn't done anything to
help out.  Finally, my weezils had enough.  They devised and ingenious
two-part plan to get me off my duff and do something.  First, they waited
until I left a can of pop too close to the computer and then dumped it onto
the keyboard.  I spent hours cleaning each individual key with rubbing
alcohol and a q-tip.  It just so happened that the weezils concentrated most
of the pop on the "Alt" key, so now it has a tendency to stick.  Anyone who
is running Windows knows that the "Alt" key used with other keys can be used
instead of a mouse to execute windows commands.  So the second part of their
plan went into effect.  They waited until I was away from the computer,
climbed up onto the desk, and proceeded to wardance on the keyboard, first
making sure the sticky "Alt" key was pressed.  To make a long story short,
they wrecked havoc on my windows desktop, even deleting some program items.
It took me forever to restore the damage they did.  So I had a long talk
with my weezils, and they helped me realize I should be doing all I can to
help, especially after they offered to give up Ferretvite and raisins so I
could send more money.  So please, if you haven't sent what you can yet, do
it now.  Or your weezils will find some devious way to torture
you........................................................(My "." key
sticks too)
Mike &  The Cunning Crew (and one not so cunning Pom)
The opinions expressed here are my own and does necessarily reflect the
opinions of those who are not me.
"I never jest, and don't call me Shirley."
[Posted in FML issue 1935]