Hello All,
Well, I would like to clarify some things that seem to have been
misunderstood in my posts.
First of all, I am not an expert on ferrets in anything but what can be
learned by any willing layman.  I leave the tech questions up to those more
able to answer.
My forte in writing is irony and sarcasm.  Some of you haven't figured that
out yet and seem to think a lot of what I write is something it isn't.  I
figure with all the serious posts, I should try and lighten the atmosphere a
little.  Make a smile here and there.
I recieved quite a few letters about my dating service post.  All supportive
and from people who understood the joke.  I have been told not everyone did.
FYI-so everyone will know, my ex is 5'7", blue/green eyes, very dark brown
hair, no ponytail, but only because of work dress codes.  He holds 3 degrees
and makes 6 figures.  He likes traveling, reading, and animals.  He has to,
to have lived with me for 17 years.  Besides 19 ferrets there are 5 cats, 2
dogs and a horse.  He foxhunts, is a very respected geophysicist in the oil
industry.  He has been in and out of my life twice now, and we still keep in
touch.  He has plans to visit me here.  He graduated from Mizzou, grew up in
St. Louis.  I still do things with members of his family, one of the reasons
I chose this school.  I know people here.  So guess who I was describing?
Besides, the physical description matches all but 2 guys I have dated in my
life.  And I was in no shape or form a wall flower before my marriage.  A
teen in the hippie days, take that like it sounds.
I am pretty much face value and everyone should have figured that out by
now.  Afterall, I have talked about my depression, my divorce, my moving and
my school here.  So if you don't think I am capable of saying what I mean,
shame on you.  And if you think I would use anyone else to do that for me,
double shame.
Do I make jokes to/about Bob Church in this forum?  Certainly, I have known
him for a year now and wrote a little before that.  He has the same wicked
sense of humor I do.  I can almost, but not quite, keep up with him.  But it
is fun to trade barbs.  He is an extremely intellegent man who I think has a
lot of courage, and whom I admire a great deal.  He has been a friend to me.
And he has given us a lot of good advice for taking care of our little
But the most important thing is that he helped rescue my little Pookster, a
year ago.  He brought her down to Houston to me, so I could have one of the
most wonderful parts of my life now.  He wanted her, but had already given
his word.  So I got her.  And me and Pookie have bonded in a very special
way.  She is one of the main reasons I have kept going lately.  I can never
thank anyone involved, Monica, Bob, and Trish, enough for that.
And in the future if anyone has any questions about anything I write, ask
me.  That also goes for anything written about me or supposedly for me.
I have made several friends from this list.  I have had the good pleasure of
meeting quit a few of them and plans to meet more this summer.  I have a few
I have only written and spoken to, but feel like I know.  Maybe the rest of
you will make your descisions about me when we meet at the anniversary
party, instead of from what 3rd parties say.
[Posted in FML issue 1934]