Hi guys...
Couplea things today...
(1) I know that Gary (the one who blamed Bob Jacobs for the Kodo mess) has
been slammed a lot.  I don't care...I have a few words too.  How else are
people supposed to learn the FACTS about ferrets if we don't do public
appearances?  I KNOW that Bob knows all about the risk of ferrets nipping
people!  He was holding Kodo because he KNEW that Kodo wouldn't bite, and he
didn't!!!  This was an ACCIDENT.  Anyone with a brain cell knows that you
don't let people touch ferrets that could bite.  There's no way that Bob
could have ever predicted that someone would bump Kodo's tooth.  Please,
folks, don't stop taking your ferrets out and teaching people about them.
We need that.  Just don't take ferrets that nip, and always keep their faces
away from strangers, just in case.  Jeez louise, Bob is probably one of the
most responsible ferret owners out there and someone has the audacity to
flame him!  <grrrrrr>
(2) Has anyone out there not sent a donation to Kodo???  Okay, so everyone's
matching the $20 donation.  I've got one for y'all to match: $150!!!!!!!!!!!
I sent in $25, then this weekend I went to a show and then to my home town
and collected a total of $125 more.  Has ANYONE else thought of going around
to ask for donations???  I'm going to the local pet stores and vets' offices
tomorrow.  This isn't one of those times that we can "wait a few days and
see" ... those few days could be the difference in Kodo's life.
That address AGAIN is...
Gloria Davis
Treasurer, Great Lakes Ferret Assn.
27654 Southpointe
Grosse Ile, Michigan 48138
(3) I want to take this moment to show off my baby...I showed two of my kids
at the SVFC show on Saturday.  My beautiful Mutt Patches took two first
place ribbons at the show.  One for the Mutt specialty class, and he took a
first place in one of the Championship rings (Don't ask me how a Mutt places
1st in a specialty, but I'll GLADLY take it!  The judges who placed him
there just LOVED him, he's soooo beautiful.  If those judges are reading
this THANK YOU!!  The wierd thing, though, is that my Slinky, the one who
won Best Alter in Show at Ferret Expo, didn't place at all in the
Championship rings this time!  He did get a 4th in the Light Pattern
specialty, but no championship awards.  Hmmm.  Oh well, now both of those
cagemates have 1st places under their belts!  Patches picture (he's wearing
a hat) is on my page.  http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/ferretlady In a few
days I'll update the page and put a full-body shot on there too.
(4) There is some not-so-good news about Patches, though. Over the course
of the last few weeks, he's been developing tumors and cysts out the wazoo.
One big tumor is under the armpit, and he has two cysts, one on the foot and
one new one on the face.  Now, at the show, the judges found a new one on
his lower back side.  He's got surgery scheduled, but we have zero dollars.
So, we are holding a Yard Sale this weekend to cover the cost of the surgery
(we already owe $400 to the vet, they aren't going to be pleased with us
adding more to that bill but the surgery has got to be done!!!) If you live
close enough to State College, PA, stop by the sale this Saturday from 8am
to noon.  I'd rather not post the address for 2300+ people, so e-mail me if
you'd like to come on out and make a purchase for Patches.  What makes this
even more urgent is that a year and a half ago he had a tumor on his back,
and when it was biopsied, it was malignant.  It hadn't spread, but I'm
really concerned about these ones being malignant, too.
GO KODO, and could everyone say a prayer for Patches??
Kymberlie Becker
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 1932]